HARYANA, INDIA — People say it’s good luck when they’re unexpectedly hit by bird poop. But can the same be said for frozen balls of airline poo that fall from the sky?
Indian officials are saying that an icy ball that fell on the village of Fazilpur Badli in the northern state of Haryana is actually frozen human waste that dropped from a plane overhead. The 25-pound poop ball landed with a thud on Saturday morning, startling residents and leading some to believe it was an extra-terrestrial object.
A sample was sent for chemical analysis, though officials already strongly suspect that it is frozen airline excrement.

The 25-pound poop ball. Credit: Gurgaon Police
Human waste on planes is stored in special tanks and is disposed of once the plane has landed. But according to international aviation authorities, leaks can sometimes occur mid-flight. When that happens, sub-zero temperatures outside cause the liquid to immediately freeze.
In December 2016, an Indian court ruled that airlines in India would be fined if planes release human waste from toilets in the air. The ruling came nearly a year after a woman in central Madhya Pradesh was hit by a football-sized chunk of ice that crashed through the roof of her house. Local media reported that she may have been hit by frozen airline waste.