Vietnam’s most famous pet is a cat named ‘Dog’ who sells fish for a living

Vietnam’s most famous pet is a cat named ‘Dog’ who sells fish for a living

HAI PHONG, VIETNAM — There’s a cat named ‘Dog’ and he works at a fish market in Vietnam.

No, this is not the start of a riddle or the punchline to a joke. It’s the real life tale about Vietnam’s most famous pet, a three-year old cat named Chó who lives in Hai Phong where he’s catapulted to fame for being a fish vendor at the local market.

We swear, we can’t make this stuff up.

Not only is his name unique (Chó means ‘dog’ in Vietnamese), the lovable feline has become an Internet darling for his ridiculously cute outfits, which were given to him by his owner, 25-year-old Lê Quôc Phong.

In photos that have since gone viral on Twitter, Dog is seen wearing the heck out of traditional Vietnamese garb, and also keeping the peace as a police cat in an outfit that comes complete with a gun holster and white gloves. In other photos, he’s sporting cool shades and an even cooler demeanour, while in others he’s perusing down the street, seemingly window shopping for wares.

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According to Phong, who spoke with ‘Bored Panda’, Dog loves to eat ice cream and travel. The well-dressed kitty also reportedly has “a lot of girlfriends” and has fathered “a lot of children in the country”.

And as for why Phong named him Dog, he told BuzzFeed that on the day he adopted him the cat was “breathing like a dog” due to the heat. The name apparently stuck.

Dog is loving his newfound fame; he even has his own Instagram account, @dog1501, with over 100,000 followers. And judging by the photos that he’s posting, he is living his best life!

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