Learn Synthesia, design tools in ‘Unleashing AI’s Potential for Travel Agents’ webinar this Wednesday

TORONTO — Travelweek and Travel Brands, having joined forces to present the webinar series ‘Unleashing AI’s Potential for Travel Agents’, will focus on Synthesia and other design tools – aimed at helping agents boost their efficiency – in a webinar this week.

The webinar, which is free to join, takes place this Wedneday, June 12, at 1 p.m. EDT. Interested participants can register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_T_T301CKSlGxWoT4pQBKuw#/registration

Synthesia is a cutting-edge AI tool that enables users to create high-quality video content effortlessly.

Synthesia uses advanced AI algorithms to generate videos with lifelike avatars, making it an ideal tool for travel agents looking to create engaging promotional content without the need for extensive video production skills or equipment.

“Synthesia is an incredibly exciting tool that simplifies video creation, making it the next focus of our webinar series,” says Devin Kinasz, Publisher of Travelweek. “We’ve been using several other fantastic tools at Travelweek, and we’ll be sharing those with agents as well. Our aim is to make AI less intimidating and more enjoyable!”

In addition to Synthesia, the webinar will cover other essential graphic design tools that can help travel agents enhance their visual content.

Tools like Canva, Adobe Spark, and Figma will be highlighted for their ease of use and powerful features. These tools enable agents to design stunning graphics, social media posts, and marketing materials, even with limited design experience.

The travel industry is rapidly evolving, with artificial intelligence (AI) at the forefront of this transformation. Recognizing the need for travel agents to stay ahead of the curve, the free webinar series titled ‘Unleashing AI’s Potential for Travel Agents’ aims to equip industry professionals with the knowledge and skills to harness the power of AI.

AI is becoming increasingly integral to the travel industry, offering capabilities that streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive sales. From personalized travel recommendations to chatbots that handle customer inquiries 24/7, AI’s applications are diverse and transformative. The upcoming webinar series seeks to demystify these technologies, providing travel agents with practical insights and hands-on training.


The webinar series is structured to provide a comprehensive learning experience, divided into several sessions, each focusing on different aspects of AI and graphic design:

  • Introduction to AI in Travel: An overview of how AI is transforming the travel industry and its potential benefits for travel agents.
  • Hands-On with Synthesia: A detailed walkthrough of Synthesia, including live demonstrations and practical tips for creating impactful videos.
  • Graphic Design Essentials: Introduction to key graphic design tools, with tutorials on creating professional-grade marketing materials.
  • Case Studies and Best Practices: Real-world examples of travel agents successfully using AI tools to boost their business.
  • Q&A and Interactive Sessions: Opportunities for participants to ask questions, share experiences, and receive personalized advice from industry experts.


The ‘Unleashing AI’s Potential for Travel Agents’ webinar series is open to all travel professionals, and participation is free of charge.

To join, interested individuals can register on the official website, where they will find detailed information on the webinar schedule and topics: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_T_T301CKSlGxWoT4pQBKuw#/registration

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