Registrants have until April 14 to respond to government’s Travel Industry Act report

Registrants have until April 14 to respond to government’s Travel Industry Act report

TORONTO — Reducing the regulatory burden on the travel industry is among the top findings in the Ontario government’s first report following its initial review of the Travel Industry Act. The report, based on stakeholder consultations and including preliminary options for potential changes to the Travel Industry Act, is now available.

“Some of the things we heard that should be considered are: increasing consumer protections under the Act; reducing regulatory burden on travel industry businesses; enhancing enforcement tools, including additional penalties for businesses that don’t comply with the act; reviewing the Ontario Travel Industry Compensation Fund including what travel services consumers are able to seek compensation for and who should contribute to the fund; and evaluating the types of activities and businesses that should be regulated under the act,” reads the report. A summary of the Phase 1 Consultations is available here.

The government is asking members of the public and the travel industry to review the summary report and provide input on the questions and options presented in the report during phase 2 of the review. Input can be emailed to by April 14, 2017. Interested parties can also register to attend one of the consultation sessions to discuss input in person.

Based on the feedback provided in phase 2 of the review, the government says it will work with stakeholders to develop a set of options and recommendations which may include potential changes to the act and/or the regulation. These options and recommendations will be detailed in a final report which will be posted for stakeholder feedback.

“TICO encourages all stakeholders to participate in the Ontario Government’s comprehensive review by reviewing the Phase 1 Report and provide your input by either attending one of the public consultation sessions being held around the Province or by providing your input by email to by April 14, 2017. This is a great opportunity to contribute and provide feedback towards modernizing the consumer protection legislation, strengthen consumer protection and reduce burden on business,” says Richard Smart, TICO President and CEO.

In other TICO news, TICO will be holding its AGM on June 20 at 1:30 p.m. at the Mississauga Living Arts Centre. This year TICO will be holding an election for one retail position on the TICO Board of Directors.

All registrants will be sent a Nominations package. Nominations must be received at TICO no later than 5 p.m. Eastern Time on April 21. TICO would like to remind those wishing to run for election to allow sufficient time to obtain the required Criminal Record Check, which must be submitted with the Nomination Form by the deadline date. Ballots will then be sent to Member Registrants and the results will be announced at the AGM.

“Industry representation on the Board of Directors is an important governance role in support of TICO’s vision, mission and mandate,” said Smart. “I would like to encourage registrants who wish to participate on the TICO Board to submit nomination forms. This is your industry, so please take this opportunity to get involved. I also want to encourage everyone to mark their calendars and to plan to attend TICO’s AGM in June. I look forward to seeing you all there.”

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