Strange days indeed: The travel ban’s still in place, but the phones are ringing again
“It’s time to un-scare the public”: Roundtable has urgent message that’s relevant for the entire travel industry
“Canadians will be able to travel fully if they’re fully vaccinated”: Trudeau
New eased travel requirements mean fully vaccinated travellers no longer have to quarantine, or complete day 8 COVID test, effective July 5, 2021
Could this be the last extension for the Canada-U.S. border closure? Trudeau announces 2-track system for proof of vaccination, to get travel restarted
Politicians on both sides of the border call for “science-based” reopening
France puts Canada on its Green list – so no COVID tests, and no quarantine, for fully vaccinated Canadians
The wait for the Canada-U.S. border reopening has become a guessing game
Update on eased border restrictions “in the coming days,” says LeBlanc
More border and travel talks happening this week, in Canada and with the U.S.
Ontario to lift border restrictions with Quebec, Manitoba