Clayton Reid, CEO MMGY Global; Paul Ouimet, Partner, President MMGY NextFactor; Craig Compagnone, COO MMGY Global

Marketing firm MMGY Global enters Canadian market

VANCOUVER — MMGY Global, the world’s largest global marketing firm, has entered the Canadian market with the acquisition of travel and tourism consulting company NEXTFactor Enterprises.

The Vancouver-based NEXTFactor is already well known in the travel industry for its research- and engagement-based strategy offerings that include destination master planning, organization reviews and strategic planning. It’s also the creator and exclusive provider of Destinations International’s DestinationNEXT planning product and Futures Study for destination marketing organizations.

As part of the acquisition, MMGY Global will now provide its clients with enhanced strategic planning and consulting services, an area of focus that the company plans to connect its research and integrated services.

NEXTFactor’s name will now shift to MMGY NextFactor. Founder Paul Ouimet and his team will remain an integral part of the business.

“From the very beginning, our organization has believed that our services can benefit the entire tourism industry by supporting the visionary growth for travel organizations and destinations,” said Ouimet. “Our mission is very much aligned with that of MMGY Global’s: to inspire people to go places. Now, we are able to continue this focus with the support and backing of a global, world-class organization.”

Clayton Reid, CEO of MMGY Global, added: “The addition of MMGY NextFactor enables us to continue honing our holistic approach for travel entities around the world, including community development and economic strategy, infrastructure planning and destination branding. We are excited to add renowned industry thought leaders like Paul and his team as we continue to act on our values mission, innovate in the tourism space and grow our capabilities and geographic footprint.”

NEXTFactor is the seventh acquisition by MMGY Global since private equity firm Peninsula Capital Partners made a significant equity investment in the company in 2016. MMGY is now a US$60 million company with 13 global offices.

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