TORONTO — Intrepid Travel is offering up a 10-step guide that other travel companies can use to go carbon neutral and beyond.
The 10-Step Quick Start Guide to Decarbonize Your Travel Business is available free for download from Intrepid’s website.

Kijabe Forest – Offsetting Project | Credit: Intrepid Travel
Intrepid has been a carbon neutral business since 2010. In 2020 the company aims to become climate positive. Intrepid says the free resource is meant to provide an easy-to-follow action plan on reduction and offsetting for tourism businesses. It says it wants to encourage the industry to rebuild more sustainably amid the pandemic as part of its #RebuildResponsibly advocacy work.
“The COVID-19 crisis has brought our sector and the global economy to a halt this year and we would be remiss to not let it be for something good,” said James Thornton, CEO of Intrepid Travel. “We shouldn’t be aspiring for things to go back to normal, but rather redefine what normal means and use this period of travel stagnation to focus on rebuilding our businesses more ethically and sustainably, so that our earth is preserved for future generations to explore.”

Kangiqtualuk Uqquqti, formerly Sam Ford Fiord, in Nunavut | Credit: Intrepid Travel
He says the Quick Start Guide aims to offer straightforward steps, from understanding how climate change is impacting a business to developing a carbon management strategy. The guide uses real world examples from Intrepid to show how others can implement similar strategies within their own organization, and was written by Intrepid’s own Environmental Impact Specialist, Dr. Susanne Etti.
In the weeks and months ahead, Intrepid will roll out more initiatives and partnerships to support #RebuildResponsibly.
To download the guide see