JONESBORO, IL — Why did the chicken cross the road? Probably to avoid the damn snakes right behind it.
A road in southern Illinois, aptly named Snake Road, has closed to cars to allow snakes to cross without getting run over.
According to the Southern Illinoisan, the two-mile-long road that winds through Shawnee National Forest closed last Sunday and will remain closed until late October.
It’s not just snakes, too. Frogs, turtles, newts and salamanders are also starting to migrate across the road from swamps to limestone bluffs where they’ll spend the winter.
Snowbird getaway? Hopefully they booked with a travel agent!
According the Forest Service, some species are endangered, which is why such measures are being taken. Visitors can still walk the road while it’s closed to cars but are prohibited from collecting or handling the species.
The road will be closed again in March as the animals head back home to the swamp.