Global Business Travel Association launches streamlined

Global Business Travel Association launches streamlined

ALEXANDRIA, VA — The Global Business Travel Association has launched a new digital platform that’s mobile-friendly, streamlined and most importantly, “makes searching for information simple”, says the GBTA.

“In today’s world, there are an increasing number of factors that influence the global business travel industry,” said Michael W. McCormick, GBTA’s Executive Director and COO. “Whether it is to connect and network with other business travel professionals from around the world, to access business travel research or reports, to discover best practices and tools to improve your career, or to stay up to date on the latest travel industry trends, the GBTA website is the hub of relevant information.”

The new now offers:

  • Access to GBTA content from any device anywhere
  • A search tool to access content across all GBTA properties with ease and speed
  • One-click navigation
  • Quick access to tools and research including RFPs, benchmarking tools and the latest industry trends

McCormick adds that GBTA is excited to launch this “true team effort” that relied heavily on the input of members to ensure the best possible user experience.

The GBTA’s 9,000+ members manage more than US$345 billion of global business travel and meetings expenditures annually.

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