TORONTO — More than 3,500 travel agents have become Canada Specialists since the start of 2021, thanks to Destination Canada.
Back at the start of summer 2020 Destination Canada launched its new landing page for agents,, as part of the Canada Specialist program. The French-language version is at
Since that time the program has seen great success, ensuring that more and more agents are ready to sell Canada either for this summer – if interprovincial travel restrictions ease – or for later in the year.
Destination Canada shared the Canada Specialist metric at yesterday’s kick-off to Rendez-vous Canada 2021, better known as RVC+.
The online event takes place this week, May 17 – 20. Delegates can connect with tourism operators through one-on-one meetings. They can also visit the Destination Canada virtual lounge and meet with DC team members.
It’s the first RVC in two years after the 2020 event was cancelled due to the pandemic.
“With great challenges come the opportunity for renewal,” said Monique Gomal, Destination Canada, Interim Chair, Board of Directors, during introductory remarks at yesterday’s ‘Inside Track’ session at RVC 2021.
Marsha Walden, President and CEO, Destination Canada, then took the virtual stage, providing more insight to the challenges facing Canada’s tourism sector throughout the pandemic. While there are still plenty of uncertainties ahead, Walden said Canada “is making great progress,” noting that Canada has one of the highest rates of vaccine willingness in the world.

Destination Canada’s Maureen Riley, VP, International (left) and Marsha Walden, President and CEO (right)
Walden and Beth Potter, President and CEO of TIAC, also spoke about vaccination certificates, an issue that Canada’s Health Minister Patty Hajdu and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have indicated that Canada is onboard with for international travel. Discussions among the G7 countries are underway.
The outcome of those discussions “will impact our sector tremendously,” said Walden. Added Potter: “Our efforts at TIAC are to lead the conversation” to ensure “one seamless system across Canada” for vaccination certification. The last thing Canada needs is a patchwork of different regional systems for vaccination certification that will make for more confusion than clarity, said Potter.
Also highlighted during RVC+’s Inside Track session is Destination Canada’s new partnership with MyPostcard.
Starting on May 25 – in celebration of National Tourism Week (May 23-30) – Canadians looking to inspire friends and family in Canada with a real postcard celebrating Canadian tourism can do so in just four online steps.
1. Go to this link at MyPostcard and pick a postcard
2. Write a message
3. Address the card
4. Hit send
MyPostcards will print and mail the postcard with delivery in approximately 3-6 business days. “It’s a real postcard, with a real stamp,” says Walden.
Postcards are available in English and French and can be sent anywhere in Canada. In the future Destination Canada hopes to be able to extend the invitation to friends and family further afield.
Destination Canada’s recent report suggests that 80% of Canadians are eager to get back out and explore. Destination Canada’s focus is on making sure they do that in Canada.
Register Now! Travelweek’s ‘Future of Travel: Sunnier Days Ahead’ will take place Wed. May 19, from 1 – 3 p.m. Click here to register now,