Flight Centre has added Michael Friend to the Canadian executive team as Vice President of Product & Wholesale responsible for trade partner relationships where priority will be win-win outcomes, manufactured product, GOGO Worldwide Vacations (Flight Centre’s wholesale business), contracting and Distribution Centre. Reporting to Friend will be Richard Job, Executive Director of Supplier Relations & Distribution, Punam Pathak, President of GOGO Canada, and Shakil Sadruddin, Financial Controller (Product Nation/GOGO). A veteran of the travel industry, Friendbegan his career as a travel consultant in Melbourne more than 18 years ago working his way up the ranks to President of Western Australia South Australia Northern Territory (WASANT) and most recently spent the past three and a half years as President of Flight Centre New Zealand. Throughout his tenure with the company, Friend’s proven history of success includes record profits with WASANT in each of his years at the helm and New Zealand’s highest ever profit in its most recent financial year. Based in Vancouver, Friend can be reached by phone directly at 604-679-9341 and by e-mail at michael.friend@flightcentre.ca.