Christopher Greenwood, an officer of MKI Travel and Conference Management Inc. (MKI), a former Travel Industry Council of Ontario registrant, plead guilty to one count of failing to take reasonable care to prevent MKI from committing an offence of failing to keep customer funds in a designated trust account, contrary to section 27(6) of Ontario Regulation 26/05 made under the Travel Industry Act, 2002. He also plead guilty to one count of failing to take reasonable care to prevent MKI from committing an offence of failing to obtain the Registrar’s consent prior to opening a trust account at the HSBC Bank of Canada, contrary to section 27(4) of the Regulation. Greenwood was sentenced to pay a fine of $8,000 for both counts. The other two counts against Greenwood were withdrawn. The Ontario Travel Industry Compensation Fund has paid claims in excess of $2 million in relation to the closure of MKI on May 13, 2013. The charges against Ronald Greenwood and MKI are still before the court.