China park transforms old buses into Hello Kitty hotels

China park transforms old buses into Hello Kitty hotels

TAIYUAN, CHINA — One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure, which is exactly what owners of China’s Tai Tai Mountain Park is banking on.

Located in northern China in the Shanxi Province, the resort has converted more than 30 old buses into kitschy mini-hotels, complete with private kitchens and bathrooms. Even better, each bus-hotel is decked out in cartoon décor, capturing the hearts of Mickey Mouse and Hello Kitty fans alike.

As CNN reports, exteriors have been painted with colourful cartoon murals while bedspreads, dishware and oversized stuffed animals also play into the cartoon theme. The trend appears to have caught on – since debuting in May, business has been steady, especially on weekends. Business has been so good, in fact, that owners plan to convert 200 vehicles – buses, tractors, trucks and even planes – by July 1.

The resort charges US$43 a night to stay in the mini-hotels, which are targeted towards couples and families. According to Guolin Han, president of the Tai Tai Mountain Park, the abandoned buses were cheap to buy and renovate, costing a minimal $9,000 to transform each bus.

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