Heather Craig-Peddie retiring from ACTA effective July 16
“They have started to lay out a plan, and we needed this”: Industry reacts to eased quarantine restrictions
TIAC urges feds to #OpenTheBorder to salvage summer season
“Future contributions must be suspended”: ACTA, CATO renew calls to reform Ontario’s Comp Fund in light of pandemic
Trafalgar reveals key foodie trends that will shape future travel
WestJet and ITAC award grants to support Indigenous tourism businesses
8 hours at the airport pre-flight? IATA urges efficiency as 79% of Canadians say they’re in favour of vaccine passports for int’l travel
Here’s how you can get involved in ACTA’s Operation Survival for the retail travel industry
UNWTO and Google join forces to lead tourism recovery
NACC and IATA react to the EU’s plan to reopen without quarantine to fully vaccinated travellers
Over 350 in attendance at TPI’s mid-year conference