Consumer news coverage sheds light on plight of travel agents during COVID
“How could we have ever done this without you?”: Gratitude for travel agents amid the pandemic
“We’re going to fight”: Tour ops, airlines push on through pandemic’s challenges
Here’s a Q&A from ACTA to help navigate the THRP application process
Bill C-2 paves the way for financial aid for agencies through May 2022: ACTA
The urgency is real: ACTA calls on all agents to contact MPs now to help expedite passing of Bill C-2
TICO making it easier for former registrants to be reinstated
CATO unveils new executive, logo, website plans and fee structure
International tourism rebounds in Q3, says UNWTO
Changes coming for CATO including new mission, website and fee structure
“Now more than ever we need to get the word out”: Judith Coates talks about ACITA’s next-steps strategy