‘Fly now, pay later’ plans have hit the industry big time in the past few months.
We spoke to Brad Miron, Founder and CEO, Travel Lab, about this latest trend.
Travel Lab developed the launch and marketing campaign for the latest entry in the ‘financing your trip’ field – only available from his client The Travel Agent Next Door – Z.I.P. Travel Lab was also responsible for the original naming and branding The Travel Agent Next Door.
Q. Various travel companies are now offering financing programs. Tell me about the program offered by the Travel Agent Next Door.
“Canadians have a big appetite for financing almost anything, and travel is the obvious next big market as it can be one of the largest annual household purchases. But paying their travel off slowly on a credit card at rates as high as 26% or through various recently- announced programs adds cost.
“The Travel Agent Next Door saw an opportunity and created a program – in partnership with Flexiti – that addresses this with Z.I.P., a Zero Interest Program and a better way for consumers to finance their travel. Consumers pay a set financing fee that is much lower than the interest rate on financing or credit cards.”
Q. Why do you think financing plans are suddenly becoming popular? Can’t people just use their credit card?
“Aside from a natural progression of consumers willing to finance almost everything, one of the main reasons is that travel companies are trying to differentiate themselves in the market – and give their client options in addition to credit cards.”
Q. What is unique about the program offered by The Travel Agent Next Door?
“The Travel Agent Next Door saw the opportunity to drive a wedge with a much more advantageous value proposition for the consumer – Zero Percent Interest. Apart from the one-time financing fee, the clients pay zero interest. No surprises or ongoing compounding interest at high rates.”
Q. Travel Lab came up with the Z.I.P. logo and tag line. Tell us about your thought process.
“First and foremost, I saw the Zero Percent Interest angle as being a complete game changer, plus the core strength of the offer’s value proposition over all other options for clients in market. Hence, Z.I.P. was born, not only as an acronym for Zero Interest Program, but it’s the amount of interest a client will ever pay post their transaction -zero! It also speaks to the quickness of clients to get approval for the offer. The tagline is ‘A better way to finance travel’, which, when you compare the different programs, it truly is.”
Q. Will this be used both as a trade campaign and a consumer campaign?
“Yes. We have designed a B2B program for agents with the value proposition of their ability to increase sales and commissions by having access to this phenomenal sales tool and program. The consumer facing program allows The Travel Agent Next Door agents and agencies exclusively to push the program through their marketing and communication channels to consumers.”