“If you care deeply about hospitality, love working with people, and are a natural salesperson – the details can be learned!”

Welcome to the travel industry! (Now what?)

It’s so inspiring to witness the growth and vitality of our industry, driven largely by passionate individuals who have chosen to change careers or launch their first career by becoming travel advisors.

Many newcomers, despite their enthusiasm for this new world, face a steep learning curve, navigating unfamiliar jargon – and all those airport codes. But it’s pretty simple: if you care deeply about hospitality, love working with people, and are a natural salesperson – the details can be learned!

Here are some ideas to help you thrive as a successful and fulfilled travel advisor …

Participate in your Host Agency training opportunities

You’ll learn about strategic partners, policies, and procedures – all which are crucial to your success.

Think about what your specialty will be

It’s rare for anyone to start with a specialty, or if they do it may change – and that’s OK. What excites you most about travelling? Is it a type of travel (adventure, cruising, family travel) or a destination (Europe, South America, the Caribbean, etc.)? Maybe it’s a personal interest such as music or genealogy. Focus your professional development on that and build relationships with partners who offer that product. Next: wait for referrals and recommendations from happy clients who have friends who share the same interest.

Get business cards and confidently distribute them

Learn from your clients

Be sure to reach out to your clients upon their return from a trip, welcome them home, ask questions and listen: what did they love, what would they change – from hotel type to destination and everything in between – and file the information away for future reference.

Thank suppliers

Thank and appreciate the partners you work with. Be sure to share the positive feedback and great experiences. These gestures foster positive relationships and leave a lasting impression.

Again, welcome to our industry. I hope you find these ideas helpful in your new profession as a travel advisor!

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