The power of routine: How travel advisors can thrive as summer ends

The power of routine: How travel advisors can thrive as summer ends

As the warmth of summer fades into the crispness of September, life shifts into a more structured rhythm.

Children head back to school, the pace picks up, and for travel advisors, it’s the perfect moment to refocus and prepare for the busy season ahead.

Summer may have felt all too brief (it always does, doesn’t it?), but setting a solid routine now will lay the groundwork for growth and success as the booking season and industry events start to unfold.

A strong routine goes beyond mere organization – it’s about positioning your business for opportunities.

With key supplier events on the horizon, including our own Envoyage’s Ignite evenings, now’s the ideal time to ensure you’re feeling refreshed, organized, and ready to dive into the upcoming winter product launches.

Here are some invaluable, actionable tips from Envoyage’s leadership team to help you get back into a routine and build momentum as we step into fall …


  1. Stay Ahead with Pre-Planning

“As much as I love a spontaneous moment, in business, pre-planning is key. I always start my week by setting clear goals for each day, which provides clarity and helps me avoid the dreaded ‘scramble mode.’ A well-planned day is a productive one, and it’s all about carving out time for what matters most. At Envoyage, our advisors have access to planning tools that make this even easier.”

 — Anita Emilio, Vice President and General Manager


  1. Carve Out Time for Continuous Learning 

“September feels like a fresh start, making it the perfect time to embrace learning. I set aside time each week to stay on top of industry trends, whether it’s reading the latest news, attending a webinar, or diving into supplier updates. Knowledge is power, and staying ahead of the curve helps me (and our team) make informed decisions that fuel business growth. Our network ensures our advisors have access to the latest resources so they can stay informed and competitive in the industry.”

 — Heather Baker, National Marketing Manager


  1. Use Automation to Work Smarter

“One of the best ways to free up time is through automation. Whether it’s scheduling social media posts, using a CRM for client follow-ups, or automating reminders, the more you streamline, the more time you’ll have to focus on personal connections and strategy. Our advisors benefit from a suite of tools designed to help them work smarter, not harder.”

 — Michael Roque, National Sales Director


We deeply appreciate the dedication advisors put into their businesses and clients, and we believe it’s equally important to invest in yourself. Our leadership team is committed to championing mental wellbeing as a key to maintaining peak performance. Integrating daily moments of rest and reflection – whether through short breaks or brief walks – can help you stay sharp and motivated. We encourage all travel advisors to find a balance between personal and professional commitments to ensure continued productivity and overall well-being throughout the busy season.

To complement your routine, here are a few extra tips to help keep you organized and on top of your game …

Declutter Your Workspace: A tidy desk equals a clear mind. Organize your workspace, digital files, and email inbox for a fresh start.

Set Daily Priorities: Identify your top three tasks for the day to maintain momentum and focus.

Reconnect with Clients: Keep relationships strong by reaching out to past clients, offering personalized recommendations, or sharing promotions.

Block Off ‘Focus Time’: Dedicate specific hours to uninterrupted work, whether it’s researching for a client or catching up on admin tasks.


At Envoyage, we equip our advisors with the tools, resources, and community support they need to stay organized and thrive. This fall, embrace your routine, refine it, and watch your business grow.

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