The Travel Agent Next Door has always believed in giving back – witness the company’s ongoing support for its adopted charity Pencils 4 Kids.
But TTAND agents are also giving back on a regular basis in some very interesting ways.
For several years now, TTAND has run a Holiday Giveaway Contest for its travel agent partners where TTAND agents can share what they do as part of the holiday spirit and building community.
Each week agents submit different celebrations of the holidays and the first week is about what they do to give back.
Here are some of the entries for the giving back question …
Candace Steil, TTAND, Edmonton
Each year I provide a prize – carry on, with multiple travel items inside – to the Ben Stelter Foundation for their hockey tournament silent auction and raffle that helps kids with cancer. My husband volunteers here as well. This foundation was created by Ben’s parents after they lost little Ben to brain cancer.
Terry Hawkins, Terry the Travel Guy, St. Albert, AB
Every time I visit Orlando, I volunteer at Give Kids the World Village. I also raise money throughout the year for them and, together with my group of DisDads – we have raised about US$10k this year. Give Kids the World Village is where Make-A-Wish, Dreamflight, etc send their families to stay when they want to visit Walt Disney World, Universal, NASA, etc.
Rebecca Brown, TTAND, Abbotsford, B.C.
Every year I travel to Tanzania east Africa and donate medical supplies and offer free care for woman and children (I’m also a nurse) as there they need to often choose between food and medical care. Women are bottom of the totem pole there. I assist in healthy and free c-sections and deliveries of babies. I have donated operating room lights thanks to Stryker Canada and many medical supplies. Often I am able to bring kids clothes and toys to the orphanages in Tanzania too.
Sherry Land-Morin, TTAND, Kelowna, B.C.
Pack For A Purpose! I gather essential items donated from clients, friends and myself to physically pack in my suitcase to bring to the Dominican Republic on my personal holiday. Then once there, I hired a taxi to drive me to the local Pack For A Purpose office to drop off the donations and meet the staff at this organization. Some resorts are donation sites so definitely check the resort websites. The Pack For A Purpose website also provides lists of items they are looking for (in the specific location you are travelling to) so you know exactly what to bring on the trip with you. It’s such a fun experience! I highly recommend it!
Arlene Peddle-Gibbons, TTAND, Mount Pearl, NL
I have been a World Vision sponsor to a child in Nicaragua for many years. I donated monthly to Angel from age 8 until he graduated high school. I sent a special gift donation to help his community every Christmas. A few years ago, this sponsorship ended and I was sent a new child looking for help. I now am sponsoring a little boy called Caleb, it brings me much joy to be able to help make a difference in some
small way and receive drawings and updates. I also donate yearly to Pencils 4 Kids at the TTAND conference.

Arlene Gibbons’ World Vision sponsorship
Terri Morrison, Gypsy Group Travel, Hackett’s Cove, NS
The last two years, I have spearheaded – and on my own – created a new ‘Drive For Charity Event’ at our local Harness racing track Northside Downs, which featured the track’s top 10 drivers partnering with 10 local businesses who chose charities of their choice. Then, each time that driver wins, they would donate money to their charity they had chosen. This event helped 10 local charities in a fun way for
everyone as the businesses and charities would often attend, cheering on their partnered drivers for their chosen charity. Most businesses even donated ‘more’ than their totals earned in the promotion.
Kerry Berlinquette, TTAND, Thunder Bay, ON
I am excited to implement my new strategy for 2025. Each month, I am going to have a draw from all of my clients who paid final payments that month. For whoever’s name gets drawn, I will donate $200 to the registered local charity of their choice, in their honor. Now that I am making enough money, I’m
excited to start giving back more! I will be kicking this off with a 12 days of Christmas $25 a day draw. My Facebook followers who comment on my posts for those days will be put into a draw and the $25 will be donated to their charity of choice.
Dianne Marsden, TTAND, Stoney Creek, ON
As a travel agent, my mission is not only to provide my clients with unforgettable experiences, but also to promote sustainable travel practices. One of the ways I am doing this is by organizing beach clean-ups at the destinations we visit. Travellers often overlook the impact they have on the environment when they jet off to exotic locations. But the truth is, our carbon footprint is significant, especially when it comes to littering on beaches and in the ocean. That’s why I am encouraging my clients to bring their own reusable bags on vacation and join me in cleaning up the beaches we visit.

Dianne Marsden