From shopper to buyer: Turning vacation dreams into bookings

From shopper to buyer: Turning vacation dreams into bookings

You’ve done the groundwork. You’ve discovered what your client is looking for in a vacation, discussed their past experiences, preferences, and dislikes, and crafted the perfect itinerary. But despite all this, they still won’t commit.

How often have you found yourself in this situation? Likely more times than you’d prefer. But fear not – here are some strategies to help transform your clients from browsers into buyers …

Build Trust from the Start

The key to any successful client relationship is trust. From the very first conversation, establish a personal connection. Show confidence that this trip is what they’re looking for – it will set a positive tone and encourage your client to share your enthusiasm.


Speak in Terms of ‘We’

Involve your client by using inclusive language. Instead of saying, “You should consider flying into XXX,” say, “We should fly into XXX for more flexibility.” This small shift makes your client feel like a partner in the process and keeps them engaged. By making them feel like part of the decision-making, they’ll be more invested in moving forward.


Prompt Action with a Sense of Urgency

When presenting the final itinerary, encourage immediate action. Ask if they have any lingering questions and ensure the trip meets all their expectations. If possible, highlight any time-sensitive factors, such as limited availability, promotions, or fluctuating prices, to create a sense of urgency. For example, mention that seats, rooms, or cabins are filling up, and that prices aren’t guaranteed until payment is made.

Utilize Video Calls to Gauge Interest

If you can’t meet in person, a video call can help you read your client’s body language and emotions. Subtle cues like crossed arms or frowns may indicate hesitation, while nodding and leaning forward signal that they’re on board. Address any concerns you observe during the conversation and offer reassurance to help move them closer to a decision.

Reflect on Your Own Positive Sales Experiences

Think back to a time when you experienced great customer service. What did they do or say that stood out? Often, it’s the feeling of being understood and supported in making a decision. Your clients may be looking for the same sense of ease and trust that you once appreciated.

By building a connection, encouraging engagement, and creating urgency, you can help your clients turn their travel dreams into reality. And with a little nudge in the right direction, they’ll be ready to commit to their next great adventure.

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