Revenge travel: It’s a thing

Revenge travel: It’s a thing

Thanks to COVID, we all have a few new words in our vocabulary. And one that keeps coming up in our business is Revenge Travel. (In case you don’t yet know what Revenge Travel is, don’t worry, I didn’t either!)

So many clients are fed up with not being able to travel that when they finally can, it’s going to be big. A bigger trip – more people travelling together, longer trips, further away, a bucket list item – to ‘get back’ at the restrictions and frustrations.

Will we take travel for granted again? Definitely not, at least for the foreseeable future.

According to Vision Travel advisors, clients may not be committing to booking just yet, but their inquiries are very much along the lines of wish list destinations, multi-gen travel, villa and private jet holidays.

Others are promising themselves a treat, whether it’s upgrading their flights for the first time or moving up to a luxury cruise line.

If your clients are still uncertain where they want to go on that first trip, here are some ways to pique their curiosity:

  • Say they have decided to visit family on the other side of Canada. Why not build that up into an FIT which will include family time but also touring that part of the country?
  • What has grabbed their attention as they’ve been putting in couch time? Maybe a trip to a destination they’ve explored so far on the small screen. England, for example, would be a great suggestion for those who have been hooked on The Crown or Bridgerton.
  • Some clients may not be aware of all the services you can arrange for them: how about a private car and driver; cottage or villa rentals, complete with a chef and housekeeping services; travel by train; even an adventurous road trip.
  • Wise travel advisors will be sure to take advantage of this pent-up demand. And, consumers are looking to use a travel advisor more than ever before. Revenge, as we all know, can be very, very sweet!

Until next time, to see how our world might look after all these lockdowns, check out this hilarious Excel gum ad.

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