Agent Training
“With over 40 years of development our accredited and comprehensive in-house training leads to industry certification taught by accredited seasoned industry veterans providing ongoing mentorship and support. Our family-run approach provides you direct access to everyone at TravelOnly all the way to the CEO,” says Ian Wilson, Director, Sales & Business Development, TravelOnly.
Marketing Support
“Award-winning industry leading marketing programs and marketing team. Graphic artist and social media expert on staff to help drive your promotions along with co-op funding and industry support for your events. Teamed with our award winning contact management system, your own industry leading consumer facing website (enhanced versions also available), direct mail & e-marketing campaigns, blocked space, industry collateral and lead generating programs,” says Wilson.
Who Owns the Clients?
Clients belong to the agent.
Agent Training
Extensive training includes Vision operations training, access to Virtuoso Certified Travel Advisor and online academy with Virtuoso covering selling skills, destination and product training and supplier training. There are also ongoing webinars as well as a weekly national training conference call. “In fairness we should mention that we do not solicit agents who are new to the industry,” says Lynda Sinclair, Vice-President, Leisure Travel, Vision Travel Solutions. “All of our independent travel advisors are experienced agents or former agency owner/managers.”
Marketing Support
“Vision excels in its support for its independent travel advisors,” says Sinclair. It offers a 24/7 support line as well as extensive newspaper and radio campaigns in the company’s markets across Canada. Unique to Vision, its independent travel advisors have a personal website with booking engine, and if ITAs are interested in having a consumer show they have access to Event Brite, an event invitation and registration portal.
There are extensive online marketing tools as well as monthly Leisure Travel Newsletters and Active Travel Newsletters. “Vision is also the only retail group in Canada to have a full-time Active Travel Manager who assists with training, client presentations and consumer shows,” says Sinclair.
Who Owns the Clients?
“The agent, absolutely,” says Sinclair.