All posts by Kathryn Folliott
The unlikely alliance between agents, OTAs as Expedia TAAP reaches 15,000 mark in Canada
Taking the plunge at Volcano Bay: On location at Universal Orlando’s brand new theme park
Racing through NYC on the way to Volcano Bay: the latest from Universal Orlando
Lois Barbour has award–winning booking volumes to Sandals Resorts. What drives her?
Some thought Lufthansa’s surcharge was beginning of the end for GDSs, but far from it: billion dollar results and agency bookings are up
‘Trump Slump’ could still happen here but so far agents, tour ops say U.S. bookings are holding steady – the dollar’s the concern, not politics
60% of Canadian agencies report gross sales revenue of $500,000+: Ultimate Travel Survey
Do travel agents need to invest thousands in a smartphone app? Really?
The Travel Agent Next Door targets small storefront agencies with new campaign